August: Living life - looking forward to seeing friends for the first home football game (go Cowboys!), loving that friends are visiting us in Houston, taking them to the beach, and adding the final details to our trip to Italy in October.
September 1: Jeff sees that a there is a job opening at our company's Norway location, I say go for it, we go to the football game (mentioned above) and sweat profusely (darn that Oklahoma heat), and enjoy seeing our families. Just in case though, I research how to get Pistol to Norway.. just in case.. and immediately take him to the vet for the prerequisite rabies vaccine (I did NOT use a pet shipper - if you are moving to Norway and want to bring your pet, I can help you out.. and I won't charge you $3,500 to do it, either).
September 21: Jeff receives job offer for position in Norway, I squeal then get nauseous then anxious then get excited again (this range of emotion continues..) Already, questions start forming - when? where? Norway?!
October 3: We go to Italy! Five days in Rome with an excursion to Florence then 3 days in Venice. Wonderful trip and a great distraction from (unanswered) questions above. It also gave our company's HR some time to play catch up..
Tourists? What tourists? |
October 15: I am also offered a job in Norway! Turns out, the F&A group in Stavanger was having a bit of turnover and I would be the perfect person to fill the void. Except.. the position is in Accounting.. which I've never done. Nevertheless, I accepted! We also find out around this time that we will be moving in late January as soon as our work permits are validated.
November 1: House in Houston up for sale. Mom comes to visit and provides another appreciated distraction from new questions - will we buy a car? HOW expensive is stuff there? Norway?!
November 15: Norway cultural orientation with Gene - he was fab.u.lous. And looves Norway.
Thanksgiving: Jeff spent it relaxing in Houston because this marked the first week in four that he was not traveling to Louisiana, Dallas, or offshore for work. I, however, spent it in NYC with my bestie, Quinn!!
December 3: Jeff and I traveled to Oklahoma to watch our Cowboys beat the Sooners. Came home and cleaned house. Again. Because it's still on the market.
December 10-17: House hunting trip in Stavanger! More on this a little later.. And, yes! We found a house.
Stavanger Harbor |
December 25: Back in Oklahoma for 3+ Christmases. Loved this extra family time before the big move, which had just been set as January 18. Upon returning from Christmas, movers came to pack up our house. Left for work from our first house and went "home" afterward to a corporate apartment. Not bitter. Didn't really have time for bitter anyway..
January 3-10: Barbados! Please note how this is the 6th weekend in a row that neither Jeff nor I were at home. Wouldn't change it for anything. Oh, and I wondered how I forgot to put 5 Alarm Chili Mix in our shipment?? First day after we got back, we took Pistol in for his final vet check and had all his forms filled out. He was clear for Norway!
January 18: Depart Houston for Stavanger on a one-way flight! I would say that the adventure can begin but it looks like we have already a few. Let's hope the next few involve better scenery (Barbados notwithstanding..)
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Pistol knew he was in for a rough day, but he made it to Norway with no problems! |
Here we go!
Jet setters!!!