
Friday, February 3, 2012

Snow Day

No, this doesn't mean work was called off.  Though, in Houston, the whole city would have been shut down for a week if everyone woke up to a foot of snow on the ground.  It is rare for Stavanger to have this much snow all at once, but it obviously can happen. Luckily, I always have my camera around and I was able to snap the following pictures throughout our day.  It stopped snowing around 3PM - good thing too because we are making a trip to Bergen for the weekend!

Our drive to work - note the outrageous price for fuel (though in NOK, it is still per liter!)

Good thing I got this Eddie Bauer parka before we came.  Warm and cozy on our walk from the parking lot to work

Still on our way to work (it's at least a quarter mile from the lot - getting our exercise!)

Still snowing at lunch.  We walk outside our offices to the building you see on the left to eat.  Usually, the mountains across the fjord are visible.

Lots of snow at the Stavanger Domkirke (Cathedral) near the harbor

Shoveling the snow in our backyard! Still not moved in (darn customs) but already taking care of it.

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